Lesson 2 – Advances in SIBO Assessment and Treatment (2015) (1hr 33mins)

Presenter: Dr Nirala Jacobi BHSc ND – SIBOTest.com

Training Information
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- Updated SIBO assessment and treatment
- New information on the autoimmune link to SIBO
- Key herbal and conventional strategies
- Adhesions and restrictions

Duration: 4hr 55mins

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Dr Jacobi is considered one of Australia’s leading experts in the natural treatment of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), a common cause of IBS. She is a national and international speaker on this topic and her annual SIBO Webinars and SIBO Master Classes are popular and well-attended.
She frequently lectures on her Bi-Phasic SIBO diet and herbal approaches for the treatment of SIBO. Dr Jacobi is the medical director of SIBOTest, an online testing service and educational portal for practitioners. She also has a busy practice in northern New South Wales and offers mentorship sessions for practitioners[/text_block]

“Since specialising in SIBO our practice has grown enormously, people are seeking us out for the treatment. Specialising in SIBO as a business owner has…what do I say…made us busy!”
“Because there are the clearly defined treatment protocols to follow, the treatment outcomes are excellent.”
Natalie Cruttenden
Resonance Complementary Therapies